OneCee Lasergaming

About this event

Date and time
Feb 20, 2024 16:00 - 22:00
South Canteen and 5-hallway

OneCee Lasergaming

Dear first years (and older sigmates)!
Since we’re first year students, we all have a lot of excess energy left 🔋, that has not been sucked out of our souls by our lovely study (yet). To release some of our excess energy, we are organising a nice active activity. A place for everyone to blow off their steam and be as competitive as possible. We present to you….OneCee Lasergaming 🔫! The activity takes place on the 20th of February and will be in the south canteen.

In order to get nice large playing fields, we’ve asked our nice new friends from Olympus to reserve the 5️⃣ -hallway for us, so we can make as much noise as we want, and have enough space for our adventures. The first matches will start around 18:30.

This activity is paid-for, but in our price of €5, we’ve also made sure everyone can enjoy a nice dinner and some snacks 🧑‍🍳. Sign-ups open NOW! In the first two days all first year students get priority sign-ups, so all older students need to relax on the waiting list and be patient.

We hope to see you all on the 20th.
With love, OneCee💙!


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