Network event


Dear Sigmates,

Do you sometimes wonder what your next step will be? Perhaps you’re considering doing a PhD or you want to directly start making pharmaceuticals in a research company.

Still unsure? Don’t worry, because on the 19th of February Sigma is organising its annual network event in Giga-Bite. Companies leading in life science such as AstraZeneca and Oncolines will tell you what they do and you can come talk to them while you’re enjoying a drink. An awesome way to establish some early contact with employers. You might even secure an internship position! Or perhaps your first employer?
Even if you’re still in your fist year, this is the perfect opportunity to explore a bit of the business world!

To top it all of, there will be a FREE 3 course dinner for anyone who signs up here! (You can also stop by without signing up)

Are you ready for the next step?

See you then!

The acquisition committee