Online Study Afternoon

About this event

Date and time
Jun 17, 2020 13:00 - 17:00
The Sigma Discord

Online Study Afternoon

Dear Sigmans,

Almost all events are cancelled till the end of August, which might make for some boring months. Luckily there is one thing they will not take away from us: Exams! We have to admit, there would be better events to attend, but given the circumstances, they might provide us with a welcome distraction from our confinement. While studying for exams was always difficult, finding motivation in these times is even harder. There is no better way to overcome this than by joining forces and studying together! The studyCee will provide you with an option to do this at our online study afternoon! On the 17th of June in the afternoon, you will be able to find tutors for your (least) favourite subjects in the Sigma Discord. Subjects include, but are not limited to: Thermodynamics, Physics and Chemical Bonding! (Disclaimer, subjects might be limited to the previously mentioned subjects, yet feel free to try your luck and ask questions related to other subjects as well!) So join us in the discord to study separately together!


Lots of Love and hand sanitizer,

The StudyCee