Intro Photo Borrel

About this event

Date and time
Oct 11, 2018 16:00 - 21:00

Dear lovely Sigmanes, 

Are you all missing the orientation week as much as I am? Well don't worry! The 11th of October the Borrelcie of Leonardo da Vinci and Bacchus of Sigma are gathering to arrange an INTROPHOTOBORREL wiehoee. This is a nice opportunity to relax and have a laugh together with your brothers, sisters and parents while looking at all the amazing photos that were made during the intro. The borrel will be held in the URD, the canteen of the Huygensbuilding, from 1600 h till 2100 h. Please gather your group because the more the merrier!!



You can sign in for food via this event: click on "join" and fill in what you want to order. You can choose between the options given below, this makes ordering for us much more easy :) (descriptions of the food can be found on )

If you do this before 16:00 (11th of October) you get a discount of 10%! This is also the sign out deadline. Ordering at the borrel is still possible till 18:00, but you will not get discount.

Food  Price
Waterfiets; small/big portion 4.05/4.50
Friet speciaal; small/big portion 2.25/2.70
Friet met; small/big portion 1.80/2.25
Friet curry; small/big portion 1.80/2.25
Kroket 1.35
Frikandel 1.26
Groentekroket 1.44
Kaassoufflé 1.35
Kapsalon doner; small/middle/big portion 4.50/6.30/8.10
Durum doner 4.50
Pizza tricolore 7.20
Pizza fantastica 6.30
Pizza pollo 7.43
Pizza magherita 4.95
Pizza hawai 6.75
Pizza vegetariana 6.98
Pizza borromea 6.08


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